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“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (Jn 8)

This month we will be focusing on these saints and holy people:
Saint John Bosco
See the marvels that the Lord can operate in a simple priest who dedicates himself to serving God in the poor!
Saint Domenico Savio
This little boy had a great love for Mary and the Eucharist. He is a model for all children
This inspiring young saint, who died at the age of 31, was the first saint of all of America.
Other Saints:
Saint Benedict
Founder of Western monasticism, patron of Europe, and inspiration for all who wish to build a civilized society.
Saint Faustina
She is the Apostle of Divine Mercy and very much associated with St John Paul II
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Founder of the Cistercians, wonderful reformer of the medieval Church.
Saint Louis de Montfort
His "True Devotion to Mary" has had an important influence on many saints such as John Paul II
Saint Columbanus
He was Ireland's greatest missionary and brought the Gospel with energy and zeal into the heart of a chaotic Europe
Saint Joseph Caffaso
Spiritual director of Don Bosco, he had a special ministry for prisoners on death row
Saint Bernadette
Unable to read or write, the Lord chose this little girl to confirm to the whole world the profound truth that Mary is the Immaculate Conception!
Saint Bibiana, a Roman matyr
Roman martyr who died heroically for the faith
Saint Francis Xavier
One of history's greatest missionaries, this Jesuit brought the faith to the Far East
Saint Padre Pio
This humble friar bore the wounds of the passion of Christ for fifty years. 2018 marks the fiftieth anniversary of his death.
Saint Catherine of Siena
She remained a layperson all of her life and yet managed to be one of the most influential Church figures of her day, helping to restore the Papacy to Rome and aiding the reform of the Church.
One of the greatest saints of all time. She was the pioneer of a new type of spirituality, "the little way", which consists in offering every little task and suffering to the Lord.
Saint Francisco Marto
This little boy is one of the seers of Fatima. He had a remarkable capacity for contemplative prayer.
Saint Jacinta Marto
This amazing little girl teaches us all how to offer the sacrifices of every day to the Lord.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
This Franciscan priest sacrificed his life to save the father of a family in Auschwitz.
Sister Lucia of Fatima
Sister Lucia was the principal seer of Fatima and was chosen by God to spread devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart. She is now a Servant of God and her case for beatification is open.
St John Paul II
The inspiring story of one of the great saints of history. His life was founded on prayer, the Eucharist and devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Why did Pope John Paul call him "the man of the eight Beatitudes"? Wealthy and athletic, Pier Giorgio devoted his short life to helping the poor of Turin.
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